—Let’s review.
—You walk around in a building made of fog, wearing a ‘braincoat’ that colors the fog red when you pass by a person with interests similar to your own.
—And this doesn’t seem like pointless eurotrash wankery to you.
—Well, not yet.
Ukraine has heavily leveraged technology during the war with Russia, utilizing crypto communities to raise funds and successfully appealing to Elon Musk to supply the infrastructure for satellite-based internet services, as advertised by hipster jornos at Politico.
Although problems with this approach abound, only a few journalists are writing about them.
Which brings me to Z’s hologram debut and the dream of rebuilding Ukraine as a “fully digital democracy,” whatever that means, during fascist Russia’s genocidal campaign and the bitcoin crash.
Face the facts. Marijuana, Psilocybin and Ibogaine remain illegal substances in Ukraine, where same-sex marriage is still impossible.
We are living in sham democracy, a primitive post-soviet feudal autocracy not underpinned by elections or coordinated work of institutions, but by popular uprisings. Absent them, even the illusion of tolerance, much less competency, would not exist.
How the fuck are you so right all the time, Peter? That's a crushing burden we carry.