Miserable weather. I realize that the idea of screwing around in Kyiv early in the morning during an air alert is old hat, nonetheless I was charmed to discover people seeking shelter at the metro station in reasonably good spirits, which directs me to mildly rebuke panicky foreign diplomats and flaks.
Still shaken from the Brexit horror of frontline London, our battle-weary editor, doing his usual shabby Tom Mangold impersonation, fantasizes that Russia gets to keep Crimea.
No thanks. Let’s punch Vova in the face instead. Besides, negotiating away bits of someone else’s country is never a good look.
Actually, no. Given how many Ukrainians remain in Russia-occupied territories, Donald can’t force Z to do anything.
As of this writing, there are reports that a high-rise residential building in Dnipro was damaged, as well as industrial enterprises.
Will there be a nuke today, or not?
Will I have to go to work again tomorrow?
The Guardian interviews Dan, who recounts in a podcast how he was woken up by the newspaper’s security guard on Sunday. Dan paints a cro-magnon picture of the current situation. I give up after he sez the war has being going on for three years when, in fact, it’s eleven. Go home, Dan. Do some research.
Dnipro Mayor Borys Filatov says a center for rehabilitation of disabled persons was hit, as well as heating station.
Clayton is priceless in a vapid kind of way. He’ll be back with updates.
What would Ukrainians say to getting nukes again? Suicidal and dumb or the only way to be able to stand up to Russia when the rest of the world abandons Ukraine? I suspect the rest of the world that feels in danger (South Korea, Japan, Poland, Finland) are thinking long and hard about nukes given American intransigence and general spinelessness, not to mention the surprising news that even when the US sells you a weapon system it can still forbid you from using it.
hi, vaughan. no nukes 4 ukraine. we are incapable of even manufacturing small mortar rounds. team usa isn't giving permission, per se, just nav/targeting info for us/uk/fr missiles. last year, z started meddling in mil affairs, demotivating everyone. now can't replenish the ranks. the 7.5 million ukrainians abroad aren't wildly enthusiastic about returning. priority these daze is stopping ru advances in the east and stabilizing lines of defense