The title of a book by Astra Taylor, Democracy May not Exist, but We’ll Miss it When it’s Gone, comes to mind, and Hungary, which was in a much better place 30 years ago.
To put it another way, Viktor is a fucking nutcase for agreeing to be Vova’s tillerman for peace, and the Mar-a-Lago crowd, including Elon parading around with X Æ A-XII on his shoulders, look like a bunch of clowns in an anti-woke parade. The real coup de grace would be the ending of this lunatic fable recapitulated in a Dan Bongino podcast.
Spare me. Spare me the song and dance.

On the Ukraine jacket, war.

Estimated Russian losses in November: >45,000

I almost deleted a zillion photographs by accident. That would have been a pity.

Toretsk has been almost flattened.
It’s a day of mourning in Zaporizhia, the day after Russia bombed a private medical clinic, killing eight people and wounding scores more.
Weather in Kyiv is gross. The snow melted last night, turned to slush and is in the process of freezing solid.