Over the last two weeks, Russia’s “further military invasion” has followed the script of the latest post-apocalyptic installment of the Road Warrior franchise. The story follows the the archetypical "Western” frontier movie motif, as deepwoken legionnaires rediscover their humanity, travel to a foreign land and help local inhabitants liquidate marauders led by Putin’s chef.

Whether Ukraine requires the additional fire power to prevent the situation from devolving further into barbarity is no longer debatable. Its own army, territorial defense units and volunteer hit squads have done an excellent job, so far. The last time I checked, officials had even released members of the Tornado death squad from prison to help keep the peace.
As of March 8, 2022, in Kyiv region the orcs are physically resident only in the part of the map shaded in red. They ride around in armored vehicles, loot, and shoot dead civilians who get in their way. Finding and vaporizing them shouldn’t be difficult. It ain’t rocket science. More like pest control.
What Tiger Team Thinks
Trying to figure out what Putin is planning is no longer very interesting, because he has already “zeroed” himself by signing off on the current mess and hinting that he’s prepared to push the red button if the United States and NATO intervene on Ukraine’s behalf.
The realization of the simple fact that Putin might actually resort to nuclear bombs to subdue Ukraine has led to a result that was exactly the opposite of what Kremlin planners were counting on. That’s because what will happen cannot be avoided. If someone wants to kill himself, there’s little you can do to prevent it. An increasing number of western leaders are thinking that if armageddon is indeed inevitable, then why bother delaying it.