Didn’t write much this morning. Too busy reading about what might have happened last night.
The orcs continue to dig in northwest and northeast of Kyiv, spreading out and hiding behind residential buildings in small towns and villages.
This aerial photo above Bohdanivka northeast of Kyiv shows what a typical set-up looks like.
During the day, the orcs will ransack the neighborhood stores for food, terrorize locals and steal anything of value. During the night, Ukrainian forces hunt the orcs down and turn them into fertilizer. It’s tricky, though, because they don’t want to kill civilians.
Below is a video (c/o Andriy) from a Bayaktar drone vaporizing an orc command and control encampment near Makariv, west of Kyiv.
Every morning, Kyiv State Regional Administration posts updates about the situation in districts throughout the region.
Another source of info are vloggers and their guests. Mark Solonin chats up orc killers around Kyiv almost every day, providing a sober assessment of the military situation in and around the capital.
There are plenty, maybe too many, Ukrainian YouTube celebrities analyzing the war w/ guests every day, sometimes several times every day.
Foreign media coverage of the mess is spotty. Most mornings, CNN and NYT flaks have their ears to the ground, but their asses are on a bed in some Kyiv hotel. Don’t know what’s going on with The Guardian or WAPO. Same goes for BBC.
Kyiv Independent still doing some stuff, but mostly from the couch. Same goes for Kyiv’s worst blimp crash ever. Jornos employed by the latter were among the first to beat feet. I saw Efrem from AP yesterday, so they’re still taking pictures. The team from Reuters is also lurking in the shadows.
What’s-his-face Podoliak, who advises the President’s Office, has said more than 2,000 foreign jornos are in Ukraine reporting about the mess.
(to be continued)