Some genius at WAPO decided to label Russia-occupied Donetsk and Luhansk regions as “separatist-controlled,” making the same boo boo as Eric.
There is no excuse for misrepresenting Russia’s now 9-year long invasion.
Members of the motley crew taken prisoner yesterday in Donetsk region aren’t fighting for independent Donbas. Making believe they are is just bad reporting.
Leonid says Russia’s adult population remains in a somnambulic sleep state. Ordinary citizens - 50+ year-olds who live outside major cities - the non TikTokers and those without Instagram accounts - are struggling to overcome cognitive dissonance, he said.
Indeed, the population in Russia still doesn’t recognize the causal relationship between sanctions and Putin’s month-long further invasion of Ukraine, at least according polling data from the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion, which says the percentage of Russians critical of the “Special Operation in Ukraine” decreased last week.
Ibrahim, on the other hand, doesn’t rule out all shit breaking loose in a couple of months when the wedge of economic hardship caused by sanctions induces exploding head syndrome.
Outdoor living and foraging for food can be fun for a couple of days if it’s for recreation, but it’s a miserable lifestyle.
I watched uncle Joe’s speech in Warsaw last night. It brought back memories of the Pope’s last pilgrimage to Poland, two months after Clinton and Yeltsin declared their Helsinki Summit a success.