Yesterday, members of the The Washington Post’s editorial board opined on the “broadly successful course President Biden and his fellow democratic leaders have adopted” for Ukraine.
About two thirds of the way through their smug and toweringly unconvincing argument – through which they assert in dainty rhetorical strokes that Ukraine’s Supreme Commander should adopt the only legitimate form of self preservation that remains, that being the sort favored by the cold eyed appeaser sitting in the White House – I concluded that nothing in this life would give me greater pleasure than to sock them in the jaw.
Of the many stains left across the Internet – rubber-stamp obviousness and desperate cries for attention being close-to-hand examples – surely one of the greasiest is saying “Washington’s best course is the one it’s on,” an endorsement that plays as reliably well in Kyiv these days as Torpedo the turtle cartwheeling 200 meters up in the air and landing on his back.
I’ll write about about cake later.
(to be continued)