I turned off my mind and dropped by, accompanied by the guy with tattoos on his neck holding what looked to be the Ukrainian version of a Box turtle.
The three paintings I liked the best were ““On the Way Home,” “Searching for the Truth,” and “Fireworks.”
“Fireworks” is English for Salyut (Салют), the name of the iconic Kyiv hotel overlooking Park Slava. Anyone who remembers Craine International Trading, Inc. will recall the carpets on the 4th floor of this architectural monument/den of thieves (circa 1991).
(We reunited with the then owners of the hotel twenty years ago in a mildly bizarre pow wow with German ear specialists. But that’s another story).
Anyway, Sisters Feldman recently returned from partially bombed-out Zaporizhia, where they did some urban renewal work.
In other news, the invasion of Belgorod thing turned out to be a dud. Anywho, Andrew – typically unable to establish any sort of authoritative voice before flinging together a few thoughts of unnamed military analysts — had this to say:
Five flaks from WAPO chimed in:
And then there’s this flawed analysis from Sam Kiley, CNN whatever.
Sam’s unfortunate choice of words to describe the unkempt bunch in the photo (“Russian dissidents”) and what they were doing in Belgorod oblast (“fighting against their motherland”) is misleading. Their admission, wink wink, of working with/for Ukraine’s Defense Intelligence Agency is, er, not exactly news.
The as yet un-reported relationship between the leaders of Russian Legion and the President’s Office of Ukraine is, however. So, Sam got the story wrong.
Minus 15 points on a scale of 1 to 10.