Split the big honey-colored blob (#eab676) in half, north to south. The little red boxes are Russia’s occupation forces. The military utility of the Belgorod Salient is to stretch the front, north to south, thinning out areas occupied by Russian forces, making it easier to blow them to smithereens.
Stefan has all the details. Vitaliy and Taras vlog about it.
This “very brief meeting” between Z and Serbian leader Vucic is interesting.
We can only speculate.
Which brings us to the third stanza of our Poem of the Day: Asides of the Oboe, by Wallace Stevens, who ponders jasmine, catastrophe of war and the collective self.
III One year, death and war prevented the jasmine scent And the jasmine islands were bloody martyrdoms. How was it then with the central man? Did we Find peace? We found the sum of men. We found, If we found the central evil, the central good. We buried the fallen without jasmine crowns. There was nothing he did not suffer, no; nor we. It was not as if the jasmine ever returned. But we and the diamond globe at last were one. We had always been partly one. It was as we came To see him, that we were wholly one, as we heard Him chanting for those buried in their blood, In the jasmine haunted forests, that we knew The glass man, without external reference. Photo c/o abdymok
Here’s the soundtrack.