Article 56 - Protection of works and installations containing dangerous forces
1. Works or installations containing dangerous forces, namely dams, dykes and nuclear electrical generating stations, shall not be made the object of attack, even where these objects are military objectives, if such attack may cause the release of dangerous forces and consequent severe losses among the civilian population. Other military objectives located at or in the vicinity of these works or installations shall not be made the object of attack if such attack may cause the release of dangerous forces from the works or installations and consequent severe losses among the civilian population1.
Six WAPO flaks team up to tell us EIA (Euorpean Intelligence Agency) operatives met with Ukrainian security officials, who blabbed about blowing up Nord Stream2. This story is based on cruddy intel we told them not to use3.
Maybe identify and produce the EIA agent(s) and their interlocutors. We’ll ask them ourselves. Tootsie Club sources don’t count4.
Stay Out of Doorways. Tactical athletics at Tootsie Club (January 12, 2022)