Elon and his creepy little X friends will not appreciate this paragraph from an op-ed appearing in The Guardian on Sunday.

Elon, of course, has come to the defense of conspiricist Russell Brand, who has been spreading bullshit about fascist Russia’s genocidal campaign against Ukraine, including with douche-rocket Tucker Carlson and other members of Putin’s pedoleague.
Deep-seated personality flaws predispose people to be available to Russia for propaganda purposes, according to Russia-watcher Keir Giles, who says these misfits make great targets for spreading fascistic vitrol.
In other news, Z is stateside this week, attending dog and pony shows in NYC during the UNGA, and then in Washington, D.C., where he is scheduled to chat up Uncle Joe and U.S. lawmakers.
Thank you. Excellent expression of a valid and valuable perspective which needs to be heard.