Turns garlic to liquid, liver and potatoes to mushy cheese snow, citrus rind to orderly zest and ginger to mud. You’ll wonder how you lived without it, unless of course you’re occupied with other, larger matters.

A couple tablespoons a day protects you from a stroke or heart attack. The beverage, which contains vitamins A, C and E, also boosts male virility.
On the American jacket, Speaker Johnson sounds upbeat about Congress passing a supplemental assistance package for Ukraine.
On the Ukraine jacket, the miserable Poles have expanded their blockade of Ukraine’s border crossings.
Russophillic Shaun, who is still hanging around, writes something vague about an unapproved conscription/mobilization plan Ukraine’s leaders have been mumbling about for, er, months.
Prophet Song, “a speculative political thriller,” wins the Booker Prize. The plot reminds me of Belarus from 1994 to 1997. Rather it is Belarus from 1994 to 1997. Das Lebern der Anderen comes to mind and Fürsorgliche Belagerung.