Ze’s official Telegram posts photographs taken in all parts of Ukraine daily. So does the Strategic Communications Department of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

There is little reason to be optimistic that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will end any time in the near future. That means lots more unspeakable tragedy and death. Looking on the positive side, warm damp weather has arrived and the scenery will change over the coming days and weeks.
Lots of linage about Ukraine in the international press, much of it coming from Lviv. The first article that catches my eye is “A Nation of Spy-Catchers: Fear of Saboteurs Has Ukrainians on Edge” by Valerie Hopkins of The New York Times.
I stopped reading after paragraph number six:
Dyversanti? Diversionists?
Next up: “Russian soldiers in Ukraine sabotaged own equipment, U.K. spy chief says” by Meryl Kornfield and Amy Cheng, appearing in The Washington Post.
Indeed, altho it’s better much better than merely “extremely effective.” It’s fucking “brilliant,” according to Mykhailo Podoliak, an advisor to Andriy Yermak, head of the President’s Office, who on March 21, 2022 announced in Meryl’s and Amy’s newspaper that Ze is today The Leader of The New World Order. Yermak doubled down on the wacko assertion days later in broken English during an interview with CNN’s Christian Amanpour.
But I digress.
I immediately disregarded what Britain’s spy chief said in the article, but did pay attention to commentary by Alexey Muraiev, a national security expert at Australia’s Curtin University.
No one has yet come up with a suitable punishment for Ukraine experts who, in the ninth year of the war, deploy the Russian-backed separatist troops linguistic trope.
Nathan from Lviv for CNN also mentions Britain’s spy chief whoever and provides analysis using correctly transliterated public-facing place names, except the already noted and complained-about Zaporizhzhia exception.

And finally there is Rhys, maybe a distant cousin, who is now on the record saying he will “probably die” during his Ukraine deployment.
Dear Rhys, don’t be so fatalistic. Next time you’re in Kyiv, drop me a line and we can hook, go for a fast run together, roll around the mats, shoot guns and perfect our knife throwing skills.