There is a lot to write about and look at during wartime in Kyiv. Ruslan Lobanov’s fourth cinema book tells the story in pictures. Wartime Sketches was by far the most enjoyable project of 2023. The first print run was only 500 copies, so you’re out of luck unless there’s a second one.
On the Team USA jacket, US Senators say they remain divided about whether to continue helping Ukraine avoid extinction because the effort might hamper Trump’s presidential ambitions. Plans are underway in Kyiv to erect a monument to these American lawmakers so that future generations of Ukrainians will never forget who they are, what they look like, et cetera.
US taxpayer-funded Institute for the Study of War, which bombed in Davos, wants me to share their press release:
No one in their right mind believes anything Team Russia says. About anything. Trotting out Moscow’s version of events on Day 700 is, er, less than helpful. It’s almost as bad as regurgitating Tucker Carlson.