Half the fun of riding a bicycle is when it rains.
Which brings me back to yesterday’s downpour of somber regret over Team USA’s reluctance to shoot missiles down in Ukraine’s sacred airspace.
Anne at The Atlantic explains America’s varying responses to bloody messes in Israel and Ukraine, pointing out key differences between the protagonists and antagonists, the second one being that, unlike the Islamic State, Team Russia has a squad of moron lawmakers in the US Congress who are eager and willing to regurgitate Moscow’s talking points.

The “first difference,” of course, is that Russia has lots of nukes and Iran does not.
Speaker Mike’s has a plan to cut up the supplemental foreign assistance package into four pieces and vote on each separately (on Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan, other stuff) and then roll them all back in one big sausage that the Senate can digest. It will further delay and complicate rendering assistance and make Putin’s appeasers happier.
This is indeed a big moment for Mike, who delayed consideration of aid to Ukraine for six months. Mission accomplished!
Song of Day: