An excerpt about something notional.
Jamie, opining for Politico, from his couch, somewhere, anywhere, but def not in Ukraine.
Kyiv understands this, remaining anonymous, speaking candidly…
Act I
Night. A young woman’s kitchen in Kyiv, on the third floor of a flat overlooking Desyatina Street in Pechersk district. It is late in November in the year 2024 and through an open window with a large balcony on the left can be seen the domes of St. Andrew’s Church, wonderfully gold and beautiful in the glowing mist during the Full Beaver Moon. The interior of the room is like anything to be seen in the east of Europe. It is half rich Soviet half cheap Viennese. The counterpane and hangings of the table, the window curtains, the ugly PVC floor covering, a weird cabinet holding shot glasses too high to reach.
A harlequin with cards squats on the head of the door symbolizing Donald and unpredictability. The machine on the floor is a symbol of progress, cleaning and renewal, the churn of bullshit sloshing around in Jamie’s head.
Interrupted by special message from Z!
I wish you health, fellow Ukrainians!
We continue to work on our internal Resilience Plan – everything needed to ensure Ukraine stands strong. Today, we covered several points, including cultural sovereignty, which encompasses Ukraine’s cultural heritage, contemporary culture, and cultural diplomacy. The production of Ukrainian content and, to that end, fostering real and effective unity within Ukraine’s cultural community. This is part of our strength and an element of guaranteeing Ukraine's ties with the global world. There are things that politics, public figures, and the media cannot convey to others, but emotions can – art can. Culture, in general, is a tool that works universally for humanity across different parts of the world. We must devote much more state attention to this, and we will. Today, we also addressed a security point within our internal Plan – security across our country, in every region, in every community. This is fundamental.
[And so on…]
I expect Donald’s war with his domestic enemies, at the US Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Justice, Department of Defense and at the 18 US intelligence agencies (I won’t name them all), will take precedence over ending the war between Russia and Ukraine, because, er, America First!
That means the “ugly deal,” whatever it is, might never materialize.