It’s amusing to note that the most lurid Cold War fantasies of covert propaganda spread on behalf of Ukraine by veterans of Operation Iraqi Freedom are being rendered irrelevant by a tweeting horde of special correspondents now serving it up for free every day. No need for black ops when you’ve got a blue tick.
Making people care is surely one of the highest callings, right up there with feeding the hungry and healing the sick, but I loathe #stolenvalor. The hashtag, anyway. Or maybe just standup legionnaires in general, pressing ever onward in a consensual suspension of disbelief that fighting for something universal is an effective mask for saying, effectively, please, give us your money.
Pro-Ukraine crusaders: already redundant, largely disposable.
As they say, ‘all the best’ to you and yours, celebrate as you will, but quit advancing your fucked-up agenda on the backs of dead strangers, stop being so drunk all the time and remember Joe Strummer’s raspy cry in ‘Death or Glory:’
As an otherwise impeccably “pro-European” Czech diplomat once put it:
“One thing we learned from the 1930s — no more security guarantees from France.”