Ukraine’s moron President Volodymyr Zelensky has spoken out on Facebook about the bloody massacre of unarmed protesters in Belarus on August 9-10.
“Our neighbors in Belarus are going through difficult times now. They are trying to determine the vector of their further development. And this is very difficult. It is already obvious that not everyone in the country agrees with the announced preliminary election results. And, as you know, any legitimacy arises solely from public trust, exclusively from trust. Doubts (about the election results) on such a large scale is a direct path to violence, to conflict, to public protest, which is growing. This is now what we are seeing, unfortunately,” Zelensky said on Facebook.
Zelensky called on Belarus to maximize tolerance, and rejection of street violence.
"We call for the most open, albeit difficult, dialogue. Because only a broad dialogue will allow the citizens of Belarus to get out of a difficult crisis situation and honestly discuss further steps and formats of public interaction. Only mutual understanding between all parties can preserve the country's independence and ensure its further movement towards freedom and democracy. Otherwise, the escalation of violence will grow, and this is fraught with very bitter consequences," Zelensky said.

“Belarus must adhere to the maximum democratic standards generally recognized in the civilized world. And try to provide its own people with their rights and freedoms in full. This is the only way to keep the hope of overcoming the crisis… Ukraine and I personally are extremely interested in Belarus being a truly independent and democratic country with a strong economy and stable social relations. Belarus is our closest neighbor, and therefore we are not at all indifferent to what is happening there and what will happen to our friends further," Zelensky said.