Just how precious or sacred are you, really, if a bear can suddenly rip off part of your head?
If you’re as bored as I am with the stream of retrograde newspeak from power-dazzled apologists — those who, despite having long abused the gravitas of instability and needless suffering brought about by unspeakable atrocities in this part of the world since, er, at least 1713, continue to use it to justify the telling of simplistic lies on behalf of bloodthirsty dictators (it’s amusing to note that the most lurid post-Cold War fantasies about “calibrated coercion” spread on behalf of the Kremlin by government operatives have been rendered irrelevant by a chattering horde of retired American diplomats who speak Russian like three-year olds and now serve up advice for free every day on Twitter) — then you won’t find a breathtaking voice at Rand Corporation.
Diplomacy doesn’t work with war criminals.
About three pages into this demented proposal by Putinverstehers – through which they assert that only one legitimate form of independence for Ukraine remains, that being the sort favored by the cold eyed experts in “Russia-West contestation” – I concluded that nothing in this life would give me greater pleasure than to sock Samuel in the jaw.
Now, being here in Semyhory, of course, that’s not an option. Sam is too far away!
The very same presumptions of power, the very same claims to a higher purpose, the very same misappropriation of the suffering of strangers, that dogged the very worst of what we came to know as the ‘politically correct’ is now the breakfast, lunch, dinner and midnight snack of the neocons and pseudo-libertarians, unshaven killvloggers and the designated mourners. Easy enough to laugh at. That is, until its impact hits home.