(Photo: Alexkander Miridonov, Kommersant)
Наиболее близкая аналогия — Кущевка. Цапки насиловали и убивали десятилетиями под прикрытием местных силовиков. Об этом все знали, и все им сходило с рук. Но изуверская расправа над семьей конкурентов с массовым убийством детей сделали их изгоями и вынудили государство их уничтожить. - “Казус Тихановской превратил Лукашенко в белорусского ‘Цапка,’” Владимир Пастухов, научный сотрудник University College of London
The comparison between the demise of the Lukashenko and Tsapok clans will be lost on many unfamiliar with the territory, and that’s too bad. At least, the Ceaușescu (death by firing squad) scenario will be understood.
In a nutshell, Pastukhov says Lukashenko is doomed because he violated the basic tenet of a civilized society - raising his hand against a mother, in this case, Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, Belarusian presidential candidate and symbol of today’s nationwide protest. The Tsapok clan in Kushchevka, Krasnodar (Russia) made the same mistake in the ultra-bloody Kushchyovskaya massacre in 2010 by stabbing innocent women, children and bystanders in a turf battle.
Moral of the story: It’s a no no to terrorize or murder female non-combatants in Slavic nations, just like in Ireland and most civilized countries.
(to be continued)