In other news, the scene kids are back in Kyiv. In what could be a sign that nature is healing, a twenty-year old dressed only in his underwear and carrying a kitchen knife in one hand and a half-full bottle of clear liquid (vodka, chloroform?) in the other mistook me for his best buddy.
It’s day whatever of Ukraine’s COVID-19 disaster and Health Minister Maksym Stepanov has said travel to European countries will be possible when the daily incidence of the disease drops to 460-480 new cases per day.
For the last couple of weeks we’ve been averaging 800 cases per day. Recent public opinion surveys show more than half of Ukrainians mistrust official statistics about infection rates.
President Volodymyr Zelensky on July 16 said there should be no hurry to extend the quarantine, which government extended for a month the same day. He wants the problem to disappear. It won’t.
This reminds of of what a young barista woman told me about a customer who came in with a mask, but was not wearing it. When she asked the customer to put on her mask please, the woman said: "Why? There's no-one in here."
This walking around drunk in underwear trend is apparently widespread.