More six years since the start of the revolution of dignity, Ukraine remains a sham democracy. It is a primitive post-soviet feudal autocracy. Democracy here is not underpinned by elections or coordinated work of institutions, but by popular uprisings. Absent them, even the illusion of democracy would not exist.
Dialectical discourse is dead. In Ukraine thesis and its antithesis are irrelevant. The Hegelian approach no longer applies. Evolving real ideas is passé. Reality is no longer expressed in rational categories.
The country’s president is a proud ignoramus. He did not prepare a platform to run on, acquaint himself with international leaders or foreign policy matters or otherwise prepare himself to govern.
Recall what Zelensky said on January 31, 2020 about the COVID-19 pandemic.
Now try to remember what the president did to prepare for disaster in February and March.
It’s not rare for incompetent people to think they are amazing, or for skilled people to underestimate their abilities. It is, however, uncommon to find someone who personifies both the Dunning-Kruger effect and the Imposter Syndrome at the same time.
(to be continued)