A reader from Luxenbourg writes in crayon: “Eye haytt librills andd komunists andd hoLleewudd no-itt-alz. Eyem sew MADD eye cud skreeem, butt Malerd Philmore iz wun funee duk!”
We congratulate Valeriy Zaluzhny for turning 50 and thank millions of Ukrainians and Belarusians who continue to resist Moscow’s plans to turn them into slaves or fertilizer.
The overriding objective in any military conflict is to kill as many enemy troops as quickly and efficiently as possible. It’s that simple.
It’s would be easy today to accuse European leaders and Biden for needlessly protracting fascistic Russia’s genocidal campaign, but that’s not productive. Ukraine’s own political bosses downplayed the threat of all an all-out invasion and didn’t prepare adequately, and U.S-based military think tanks told us Putin was a rational actor and that no “bounded rationality” was necessary to explain his decision and actions1.
Counterfactual handwringing can’t undo past non-predictive intelligence floppery.
If you have behaved badly, repent, make what amends you can and address yourself to the task of behaving better next time. On no account brood over your wrong-doing. Rolling in the muck is not the best way of getting clean. (Brave New World)
On the 500th day of the war, let us rededicate ourselves to the straightforward task of annihilating as many invaders as possible.
Ignore Analysts. Stay away from experts (July 18, 2022)