'Incidentally, those who carry out these orders also become accomplices to crimes of this kind, these crimes. They do not have the right to push people to death and drive them to the slaughter. Moreover, as I have already said, these orders are criminal.'

I thought Putin was talking Russia there for a moment.

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If you're feeling down.

A message from the future.

I look down on this Earth every now and then and I feel sorrow that the things they exercise themselves about now are going to be irrelevant in a few hundred years time. The lives you squander so wantonly for your goals and aspirations, so glorious, so noble, you’re a part of history now boy, the Great Ukro-Russian War…But if you only knew the world your children’s children will inherit. People will live full and rich lives in your future, the future your generation will build. Like every generation builds the next future. You didn’t think you lived just in the present, right? Or that you no longer exist in the past?

Ukrainian people are going to thrive in the future. No stock tips but Ukrainian space mining of the Belt is gonna be big. Oh, Russians are still going to be down there shovelling shit and selling their grannies, they stuck to that whole communisty national dictatorship thing with a Great Leader bullshit way longer than just about the total most of the rest of the planet let go of. Years ago. Please keep up.

Every moment is a crisis, war just makes us realise that.

What do you think a wave is made of, beside water, of course. Its just trillions of water droplets aggregated into a force that womped you so hard on Bondi Beach when you thought it was a tourist shot and the waves looked so nice. But that turned out alright because you met Noah, the surf-lifesaver who saved your life. Kind of. That’s the problem, if you want to call it that, with Ukrainian women. They’re just too damn good looking.. Might have something to do with why Russia is always fighting with you.

So that wave thar changed your life, it was made of droplets of the past all those individual efforts and fight and endure of your predecessors. However, the toll of the 20th and now 21st century on Ukrainians has been hard. Which takes us to the future that I live in. Because of you, we survived. And thrived. Slava Ukraini!

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hi, vaughan. wonderful! triple c (chien-chi chang) is in town and has uplifted my spirits. the weather, unfortunately, remains awful. https://tinyurl.com/yc3x6ksw

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hi, vaughan. vova obvi wants us dead, dead, dead.

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