Fred cites an intercept published by Ukraine’s Defence Intelligence agency suggesting some of the 400 orcs transferred to western Donetsk region from Kharkiv region are “shocked” by the intensity of the fighting compared with their previous deployment.
The 4-min convo — replete with glaring transcription errors — is between a mobilized kid from Russia-occupied Donetsk region and his father. The former bitches his unit was sent to the contact line without rations and the necessary gear, not even a shovel, and says they all plan on deserting next week.
The Russia-occupation force KIA count near Popasna is likely to balloon in the upcoming days.
The New York Times ran a kooky editorial today about Ukraine.
This “newspaper of record” has gotten the story about Ukraine wrong regularly for the last, er, 60 or 70 years1.
The task of Team USA in this war is simple: defenestration of fascist Russia's genocidal regime, w/ the help of Ukraine and 41 allied countries.
Rinse, repeat
In other news, I was listening to All Invaders Must Die on my walk home from Fortress Серые Липки last night when I bumped into this happy general :-)
Ukraine Baffled by Bullshit from The New York Times. (August 19, 2017)