On March 24, Day 30, we wrote about Russia forcibly displacing — that is, deporting — hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians to filtration camps before re-settling them east of the Urals1. More than two (2) months later, the war crime has become a story23. Looking on the positive side, better late than never.
London-based practicing philosopher Vladimir Pastukhov during his weekly chit chat with Alexei Venediktov said he doesn’t agree with Kissinger’s or Soros’ take on the bloody Ukraine mess.
Оба бяки
In a nutshell, Vladimir, who has said (and wrote hours before the broadcast) that he still can’t figure out whether Putin resembles Hitler more than he does Brezhnev, thinks it makes more sense to live as a slave than to die a free person.
Liberty is priceless, but you can’t enjoy it if you’ve been shot in the back of the head or erased by a vacuum bomb or decided to not to follow concentration camp rules. Just ask Ted, my genocide survival tutor.
Ted and I worked for Project Development International just before the collapse of the USSR. We spent a lot of time together crisscrossing continents for Joe Filner, arranging shady deals involving everything from graphite foil, explosive rope, to iron pellets and gold dust.
Ted finally wrote his book, which he tested out on me in during early morning chit chats in shady basement bars across the crumbling Soviet empire.

One of these days, I’ll write about shepherding Joe in and out of the Kremlin, but it won’t be today.
Donbas situation this morning, c/o Nathan.

(to be continued)
One Ukrainian family’s perilous journey through Russia’s ‘filtration camps.’ (Politico. May 27, 2022)
Russia is depopulating parts of eastern Ukraine (CNN. May 27, 2022)