I have no plans to spend lots of time thinking about current tactical aspects of Russia’s further invasion of Donbas. We’ll leave that to Fred and the army of foreign vets living vicariously on Telegram, Twitter and CoffeeAndDie. The Pentagon these days provides detailed press briefings on the bloody mess, and Ben is busy scouting out trenches to jump into for CNN.
We hope he doesn’t get anyone killed, including himself1.
London-based practicing philosopher Vladimir Pastukhov continues to pick apart and explain the vile purulence oozing from Russia’s civilizational crisis.
Russia stepped into the 21st century as a technically educated country with a dark, unenlightened population captivated by medieval social myths. This applies not only to residents of endangered villages, but also to many members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as folk artists, whose views on society remain dense. Russians can successfully make rockets and be ahead of the rest in the field of ballet, but in humanitarian matters they remain Pithecanthropes.
Enter Leonid Razdihovsky, who said Russia’s nationwide TV talk show was turned into a nationwide TV reality show on February 24, 2022. And there’s no turning back the calendar.
Leonid’s interlocutor is Ibrahim, who, at the behest of a viewer of their weekly Q&A podcast, asks what he thinks about Pastukhov’s article appearing in Novaya Gazeta a decade ago, titled “The State of Dictatorship of the Lumpenproletariat” (Государство диктатуры люмпен-пролетариата). This is a long essay explaining the genesis of why Russia and Russians are so fucked up. Leonid says he hasn’t read it, but he more or less agrees with some of the thesis statements in the argumentative essay.
“Having turned into a mafia state based on a lumpen after leaving communism, Russia has reached a historical impasse, from which it cannot escape in an evolutionary way. The criminal blotch on the body of society cannot be dissolved, it can only be cut off.”
This translates to all hell will definitely break loose. And it did, two years later (in 2014) and now again, unfortunately for Ukraine and everyone involved.
Some war-related Telegram links
🇺🇦@a_shtirlitz - news from the frontline, specializes in Russia’s KIAs
🇺🇦@gistapapapa - anti-Russia propaganda
🇺🇦@prankota_ch (http://t.me/prankota_ch) - prankster
🇺🇦@operativnoZSU – General Staff, AFU
🇺🇦💪@The3rdForceUA – Volunteer channel tracking war
🇺🇦🇺🇸@usinfantryman - USA vet wandering around
🇺🇦@dvish_alive - Donetsk-based volunteers, frontline politics
🔥InformNapalm (https://t.me/informnapalm) — Intl volunteer war researchers of Russian aggression
🇺🇦@ukropernews - Battlefield news
🇺🇦@Bratchuk_Sergey - Odesa news, spokesman of Odesa RMA
🇺🇦@KARAS_EVGEN – Military news
🇺🇦@ukrnastup - Military news from the frontline
🇺🇦@ukr_armed_forces – Armed Forces of Ukraine
Battleground buffoonery. I just watched CNN’s Ben Wederman almost commit suicide on the outskirts of Mykolaiv. Day 11, Phase 2. How Many Fingers? (April 5)