Someone asks, ‘What are you holding in your hands?’
‘A bedpan.’
‘You’re kidding me. That’s not a bedpan. It’s a corridor to Transdniester.’
There is no consecution (последовательность) in madness. No one has been hiccuping in the corridor we’re walking down. We exited Ward No. 6 and made strides towards the office belonging to the landlord’s sister. Out of nowhere, we detected the odor of something cooking in the kitchen, so we spun around and plowed a path directly towards it, using our bedpan to tear down the walls.
That’s the apt intro to Week in Review by Ibrahim and Leonid in Moscow.
Ze, meanwhile, held a press conferernce at an undisclosed metro station, apologizing for the sound of wagons rushing by and announcing the visit of Tony and Austin to Kyiv on April 24, Eastern Orthodox Easter.

Preparations to greet the American dignitaries were underway downtown on Saturday. Lots of monument polishing, sweeping, barricading, etc.
A month after Austin’s last visit to town in October, Ze celebrated the “equator of his cadence,” with disasterous results1. But that’s another story.
Death to All Who Blather. (November 26, 2021)