Mounts, laser aiming devices, night vision — everything sent — is now, finally, unboxed and being used in the deadly hide-and-seek counterattacks we previewed during the final days of Phase 21.
When Ukrainian forces battled Russia-occupation forces in 2014 their lack of night-vision hampered them. Since then they have been stocking up. America provided a batch of 2,500 military systems in 2018, and other countries have been donating hardware. U.S.-based ATN sent at least 9,000 smart night optics after Putin tried to decapitate Kyiv in February.
But there are never enough to go around.
Fact Sheet on U.S. Security Assistance to Ukraine: Item #23
We have located at least part of the historic shipment of tactical optical gear to help Ukrainian troops see and shoot better on the battlefield. Day 41, Phase 2. ATN’s Smart Optics Arrive, Ruska Lozova Op Begins (May 5, 2022)