Hundreds (100s) — up to 1,000 — of classified Pentagon briefs, mostly dealing with Ukraine, were uploaded to a Discord server since October, according to Aric Toler, who chatted with members of the group involved in the megaleak (@lawfare).
John wrote about the Defense Intelligence Agency’s assessment of the bloody mess based on materials appearing online1. But what John didn’t say is that no one in their right mind takes anything the DIA reports about Ukraine seriously, at least not in Ukraine2.
Shane and Samuel at The Washington Post tell the best story so far about the leaks and alleged leaker, known as Og to his disciples3.
We assume Og has been identified and is in custody or dead as of this writing.
OG used to mean Original Gangster although some poeple these days use OG as a quicker way of saying Original.
No Russia-Ukraine peace talks expected this year, U.S. leak shows. The war is expected to spill into 2024 with neither side notching victory and both refusing to negotiate, U.S. intelligence officials surmise (The Washington Post. April 12, 2023)
Blame is a Necessary Cause. Causal conundrums like Ukraine's firing squad (January 22, 2023)
Leaker of U.S. secret documents worked on military base, friend says. THE DISCORD LEAKS | The online group that received hundreds of pages of classified material included foreigners, members tell The Post (The Washington Post, April 12, 2023)