This above is an excerpt from an article I read on Monday.
It translates roughly to:
Morever, Ukraine also lacks reform in the sphere of government presentations. Our delegates are literally torturing people for their own money with an unstructured delusion that maximally emphasizes all the flaws of the current government: the professional and institutional weakness of the government, superficiality in assessments and planning, the enormous influence of big business on the state, respectively, corruption and scheming1.
The passage is almost the exact opposite of an upbeat rant about what a swell country Ukraine is tweeted on the eve of the London Ukraine Recovery Conference.
Rather as one keeps tonguing a sore tooth to see if it still hurts, I took a boo at how the dingbats at the Kyiv Post attempted to fellate the beneficiaries of that dog and pony show.
Private investors see a “tremendous opportunity” to invest in Ukraine’s post-war future, Stefan Weiler, JPMorgan’s head of debt capital markets for central and eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa, told CNN.
Weiler, who traveled to Kyiv in February, said he was impressed by how “forward-looking” the government is in preparing for the post-war period.
The Ukrainian government has identified five industries to which initial investments from the fund will be directed: infrastructure, energy, manufacturing, agriculture and information technology2.
Mylovanov is one of the most active and self-aware villians of Ukraine’s macroeconomic mess under Z3. He heads the supervisory board of Ukroboronprom, a strategic manufacturer of weapons and military hardware in Ukraine, works at the President’s Office and is President of the Kyiv School of Economics.
Which brings me to his pal David, who is affiliated with the Institute for the Study of War and has met with Z and Mylanov’s aspiring economists in Kyiv.

Russia “came apart at the seams” last year. That was Day 150ish, when we alluded to the dangers of Ukrainesplaining and FUBAR4.
Why the speeches of Ukraine’s government leaders in London should scare the shit out of you (Юлiя Самаєва, Zerkalo Nedeli, June 26, 2023)
Allies Pledge $65 Billion for Ukraine, Saying Putin Will Pay the Bill. A high-powered London conference has pledged billions for Ukraine’s post-war reconstruction and promises that seized Russian assets will, in part, fund the cost (Pete Smigel. Kyiv Post. June 22, 2023)
Regulated Shamanic Reforms. Ayn Rand kamikaze drones (December 14, 2022)
Day 150ish. Spontaneous mass confusion (July 26, 2022)