The policy of the West regarding fascistic Russia’s genocidal campaign in Ukraine is rational, not emotional. This explains, in part, the big disconnect between Z and his NATO counterparts, who sympathize, empathize etc, but refuse to authorize direct participation, that is boots on the ground to perform A3E (advise, assist, accompany, enable) missions which I have wished for — irrationally and emotionally — since, er, Day 41.
Uncle Joe below elaborates clearly the goals of U.S. military assistance to Ukraine and its limits. Team USA has no plans (zero) to step in and stop the blood bath. Neither do countries in Europe, including Finland.
Unwavering (declarations of) support and bilateral agreements (with/for Ukraine) are not the same as committments to Ukraine. Rinse, repeat. That’s reality. Maybe Z will explain this to Ukrainians to tamper down expectations.
Looking on the bright side, Russian soldiers are being urged to fight for the honor their dead colleagues. There is no political or historical goal for them to die for. Definitely not a morale booster.
In other news, Andrey Kolesnikov in Kommersant chatted up Putin yesterday about the mutiny and future of Wagner PMC, the outfit created in May 2014 to supplement Russia’s invasion of Donbas.
Russia’s president is quoted saying he hopes they will continue fighting.