Ukraine’s fishy culture minister has tendered his resignation. Again. No one likes Oleksandr Tkachenko, who rose to prominence as the media manager for Dnipropetrovsk native Ihor Kolomoisky. Remember Ihor1?
Junior Sergeant Sarah, who works for Ministry of Defense, has all the details, which is par for the course, because, er, she’s an Ukraine expert. Corporal? In the möbius of the multiverse, Sarah reminds me of Girl 217, played by Yelena Kuzmina, from Mikhail Romm’s anti-Nazi thriller, with Russians replacing Germans as the bad apples.
In other news of the weird, Prigozhin’s Wagner PMC death cult has reportedly set up shop in neighboring Belarus near Mogilev in the center of the country. Europe’s second to last dictator Lukashenko says these war criminals will help Belarusian soldiers improve their killing skills.
Joint exercises have been announced.
And, finally, this:
I don’t want to say anything nasty about Bill or this nauseatingly coy interview. Maybe during his next pow wow he can tell how CIA tradecraft helped to reign in — or not — Wagner PMC over the past nine (9) years.
A Ukrainian Billionaire Fought Russia. Now He’s Ready to Embrace It. (The New York Times. November 13, 2019)