The magical military cupboard stocked with everything necessary to prevail against Russia does not exist1. Rinse, repeat. A least according to Colin, former U.S. Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, who has reiterated, again, that there are not enough ATACMs to go around.
Andriy says Ukraine is not taking no for an answer. He and Z continue to express gratitude and ask for them anyway.
Why? Because they are morons.
*One caveat: I have urged Team USA to give Ukraine ATACMs since at least Day 2042.

Here is some constructive advice to Team USA on handling unreasonable requests made repetitively in an entitled, demanding and moronic manner by Ukraine’s leaders wearing poorly ironed olive-colored fatigues.
Assess the relationship. Yermak and Z are both draft dodgers and partially responsible for the bloody mess we are in now. They are clueless about military strategy but excel in self-promotion.
Be curious. Avril’s Tiger Team should be asking, “What the fuck is wrong with Andriy and Z?”
Raise awareness among ordinary Ukrainians. The US embassy in Kyiv should communicate clearly that the issue of supplying ATACMs has been discussed and a decision has been reached. No. Not now.
Be clear on boundaries. Team USA can’t give what it doesn’t have (enough of).
Offer alternative solutions. Colin mentioned that Team UK and Team France are supplying Ukraine with Storm Shadow and SCALP long-range air-launched cruise missiles.
Tell the bozos in fatigues they are tedious and irritating.
In other news, Z has fired Ukraine’s ambassador to the United Kingdom for not being loyal enough and Ukraine’s fishy culture and information minister asked to be dismissed over criticism for spending money on wacko tv serials instead of drones. The last time I checked, Ukraine’s economy had tanked, yet Ukraine’s Finance Minister has reportedly found even more money to complete the Holodomor Museum at Park Slava.
The last 15 or so minutes of the clip below illustrate just how screwed up Ukraine’s domestic spending priorities are, with a lawmaker from Z’s party arguing that it is more important to remember the dead than to prevent more Ukrainian soldiers from dying.