syria is still a disaster in progress. dunno what to expect from team usa. it appears ukraine will be an issue in the upcoming u.s. presidential campaign. dislodging the invaders without committing suicide is the mission until our partners, including ireland, cough up better gear.
The lessons of Syria applied sadly. Do you think that Ukraine will ever get what is needed for victory when it is needed? Feels like a slow walk from DC and that you’re getting jerked around deliberately.
syria is still a disaster in progress. dunno what to expect from team usa. it appears ukraine will be an issue in the upcoming u.s. presidential campaign. dislodging the invaders without committing suicide is the mission until our partners, including ireland, cough up better gear.
The lessons of Syria applied sadly. Do you think that Ukraine will ever get what is needed for victory when it is needed? Feels like a slow walk from DC and that you’re getting jerked around deliberately.