The maps team at The New York Times in late September illustrated our predicament. Commander-in-Chief of Ukraine’s Armed Forces Valeriy Zaluzhny has explained, in excruciatng detail, the situation on the battlefield, itemizing what is necessary to end the stalement by switching from positional to manuever warfare. It’s not that complicated.
The zero line has moved very little since January 1, 2023.
Z disagrees that the war has reached a World War I-style “stalemate.1” He says we should think about today — not tomorrow — and only about that. Z’s advisors, granted anonymity by a journalist with access to the President’s Office, say he is delusional.
Ukraine’s foreign minister says we can expect the worst winter in history2.
Ukraine’s finance minister today says we’re $29 billion short on external financing for the 2024 State Budget3.
Convo of the day:
What could go wrong? Don’t look up!
Голова Мінфіну заявляє про $29 млрд нестачі підтвердженого зовнішнього фінансування держбюджету-2024 і пошук внутрішніх ресурсів (Interfax-Ukraine, November 8, 2023)