As I recall, in early 2014 Ollie and Chris were tweeting about a pro-Russia separatist uprising in the east.
A decade later, more dog food1.
In Ukraine, like anywhere else, hipsters find exciting ways to separate people from their money with an avoirdupois commodity called “content,”making outrageous claims to competence and expertise. However, we have no choice but to fall like rain from the sky and point out that the dog food they dished out last night is irrelevant, irrelevant, irrelevant.
Z summoned Zaluznny yesterday, asked him to quit. Zaluzhny refused. That’s the *story.*
For, er, months Z has been openly at odds with:
Ukrainian independent media
Ukrainian business
Ukraine’s Armed Forces
Maybe go with this:
1. Чи зустрівся сьогодні Володимир Зеленський із Валерієм Залужним?
- Так, зустрічався особисто.
2. Чи пропонував Зеленський покинути Залужному посаду очільника ЗСУ?
- Так, така пропозиція була. Зі свого боку Залужний відповів, що це право Верховного головнокомандувача вирішувати, з ким йому працювати.
3. Чи писав або збирається писати Залужний рапорт про відставку?
- Ні, не писав і не має наміру цього робити (для зняття Залужного з посади указом президента необхідно подання міністра оборони Рустема Умєрова – ред).
4. Чи зробили Залужному пропозицію щодо призначення на інші посади?- Нічого адекватного чи суттєвого Залужному не запропонували. Мова йшла лише про статус помічника чи радника.
Також джерела ZN.UA підтверджують, що потенційна відставка Залужного, яку поки що не оформили президентським указом, є лише першою ланкою в ланцюжку кадрових змін у командуванні ЗСУ та політичному керівництві країни.
Or maybe this from Karl.
Yesterday at dinner, a friend asked me if I thought Zaluzhny’s resignation was possible.
And I answered:
"Even if we put aside such 'trifles' as the interests of the state and the people, and evaluate it in terms of benefit and harm to Z himself, I cannot imagine a step more catastrophic and insane.
1. It may raise public resistance.
2. Even if he Z survives this wave, his support is guaranteed to fall, because the General has a higher public confidence index.
3. Zaluzhny, who strictly keeps his word not to engage in politics while he is in the post of Commander-in-Chief, automatically becomes the highest-rated politician after his dismissal and gets rid of all restrictions.
4. All failures on the battlefield (and even just the lack of noticeable successes) will now be automatically recorded in Z's liabilities. And given that a major offensive is unrealistic for this year, the consequences are easy to predict.
5. This situation will easily change the negative attitude of the population towards possible elections to the opposite, and Z has no chance of defeating Zaluzhny (or his team in the parliamentary elections).
6. An attempt to withdraw Zaluzhny from the political struggle by announcing suspicion (or even charges) against him will simply mean that events will develop at lightning speed and Z will simply be demolished. Moreover, not only the passionate part of society, but also the "swamp" will welcome this. Moreover, it will not be difficult - this government does not have (and will not have) Berkut.
- "So, talk of removing Zaluzhny is a fable?" my friend was excited.
- Unfortunately, no. Z is not just a man of modest intellectual abilities. No one is around him who can oppose him or at least restrain him.
He is not a man of rationality at all, but only of emotions, a painful ego, whims and complexes. Therefore, he is quite capable of doing crazy things that harm himself.
About an hour later, I was sent Bereza's post, and immediately afterwards I received a call from my friend at the General Staff saying: "everything is confirmed."
The Ukraine of Why. Do no harm (January 24, 2023)