—It’s banal, but knowing.
—Well, knowing-but-not-really-caring. You know, like, detached and above, but not critical, or not cynical rather, kind of like embracing the whole thing, the whole product...
—What product?
—The product of Ukraine, insofar as it is filtered through a sort of, like, lovely-little-things aesthetic, you know, like things that tug gently at the memory as well as would look really kind of, like, detached.
—And who is the target audience?
—Well, you know, anyone.
—And it’s mostly visual.
—Oh yes, we have all these lovely-little-things to shoot, like death, injury and persecution.
Documentary photography is the last trench of truth, because no one has believed words for a long time. There are some things that must remain honest. If someone makes a propaganda image - and every war needs propaganda, I understand that - you have to make sure it is used for its intended purpose1. — Oleksandr Glyadelov
Out of the blue on a summer-like sunny day in early February, I received the above photograph on Telegram. The Bird in Flight project came to mind.
On the Team USA jacket, Speaker Mike looks to be in a pretty pickle. He wants a one-on-one pow wow w/ Uncle Joe before deciding —or not— to floor a supplemental passed by the Senate to provide assistance to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan.
Mike probably wants to chit chat about the idiotic linkage of the measure to border security.
Bird in Flight (Interview, 2016)
easy to be nice to my kids--and yes granddaughter--- harder to be nice or care about the rest of humanity. curious---would this be acceptable peace deal for the Ukrainians ? Freeze current borders, Russia keeps crimea and areas in donbas it occupies and Europe and America provide security for the Ukraine? Or is total victory the goal?
I see "pussy grabber" is ok with President Donald J. Trump while a sitting POTUS and CINC and yet that mess of a "25th AMENDMENT PEOPLE!!!!!" Biden who says his health is none of my fucking business must not be harshly called out so as the "reach middle ground" so as to avoid that vile MAGA because it makes me an unwitting Hitlerite.
So much for peace, love and mutual understanding, I get it. You need to save me from the dark side,
I get candid and you smack me down. I wish you and our mutual friend who is quite ill the best.
I will follow but will never like or comment.
I love you Petya and I think about Stesh, but I don't like you now. Not one little bit.