Ukrainiska Pravda says that Speaker Mike says that the Senate-passed supplemental assistance bill will be taken up after the House solves its spending problems.
The US Congress now officially has until March 8 to clear an initial six-bill bundle, which leaders struck a deal on earlier this week. But they're still working on an agreement to fund the rest of the government, including the military and some of the biggest domestic programs, before a second deadline on March 22.
Russian invaders are unlikely to gobble up huge swathes of the Donbas basin before April because voluminous amounts of thick heavy mud will slow their advances. Many Ukrainian soldiers will die needlessly because of the avoidable delays in providing guns, gear and ammo. There will be lots of handwringing.
No one lives in the gigantic flat fields Russian soldiers seek to seize and occupy.
In other news, I read an interesting article appearing in The Washington Post about why some residents of Alabama are telling Ukraine supporters to fuck off1.
Oh, Alabama —
Hearing the speeches that ring from your house,
one laughs,
But whoever sees you, reaches for his knife.
(adapted from Berthol Brecht’s Oh, Germany. Pale Mother!)
Finally, a solution to dogfeeding.
Devoted readers of this Substack will recall the post about dogfeeding from January 23, 20232. We are making progress!
The Ukraine of Why. Do no harm (January 23, 2024)
Delighted your Ukie brain may perhaps have a glimmering of my fucked up world. The ONLY refugees I can't help are the decent people of Russia and Ukraine. Smattering of Serbs? Nope. Cream of the crop? My ASS! Thugs, victims and anchor babies and DRUGS.
Does my self-interest bother you? Excellent.
You're beginning to remind me of beggar Z in his uniform of the war. I'm grieving one who has been in paradise since psycho thug murdered her. Raped her ugly too. Last Thursday.
Careful on your runs Mister. Feel better? I do hope so.
It appears insane but remember that we are brokenhearted about Lakin Riley. Google her. Get the roadkill morgue shot. She was a sweet beauty by all accounts. So throw that hateful pity party.
The Dutch and Z French are going to add troops and whatever weapons they have.
Still hate Geert in Amsterdam? Why? He is an ally. Same with Macron. They are Europe. I live in a nation where a shitbag virtuous monster is defended by the fucking mayor of Athens fucking Georgia.
So dead nursing student died for an open border you self- indulgent asshole!
Fuck. Look at the tribute video of this beautiful woman. Rinse repeat you stupid motherfucker