Z chatted up CBS the other day. It was a typical bullshit affair.
“We have stabilized the situation,” he said, “It’s better than it used to be 2 or 3 months ago.”
Actually, the situation is unstable and much worse than what is was 2 or 3 months ago.
Is Z living in a dream world on the military part, the economic part, or about everything?
Fantasy world, according to the Economist1.
“[T]he dangers are now so great that it is the least bad option” (re: negotiations) is silly, because Putin’s goal is to destroy Ukraine. Talks with the maniac next door should be ruled out a priori.
Z avoids independent Ukrainian journalists, especially those with military experience and expertise, because, er, they know better and would not allow him make unsubstatianted claims unchecked.
Not so with foreign flaks.
I didn’t listen to the entire interview with CBS, because I am intimately familiar with Z’s wartime bonhomie with worn out actors and media celebrities.
Yuriy’s video blog response followed. It was brutal and uncompromising.
Centralized military planning/purchases, esp involving drones, sucks,
The government, indeed, has started building defensive fortifications, but started too late,
The reconfiguration of lounge chairs on the deck of our sinking ship (read reboot of Ukraine’s security and defense apparatus, e.g. sacking of National Security and Defense Secretary Oleksandr Danilov) is purely cosmetic,
The Supreme Commander-in-Chief, that is Z, has not mobilized himself or society to adopt new forced conscription measures, which were — and still are — necessary. This is his direct responsibility under the Constitution.
Missile strikes last night.
Yesterday evening, I passed face control on Institutska St. and visited the offices of Ukraine Economic Outlook to pick up two autographed copies of their 119-page brief.

The report is excellent, expecially the long-term macroforecast for 2024-2030. So is the Benromach Chateau Cissac Wood Finish Single Malt Scotch Whisky.
"No one ever made a decision because of a number. They need a story." (Daniel Kahneman)
At the risk of alienating subscribers, I will start writing more about Ukraine’s economy and how it is managed in future months. The posts will be illustrated with brightly colored tables and graphics to keep everyone awake and laser focused.
Russia is gearing up for a big new push along a long front line. Ukraine must prepare (The Economist, March 28, 2024)