Is there any connection between Wagnergate, Tootsie Club and Ukraine’s subjectivity1?

The same visit during which William promised that Team USA would not intervene in Russia if Putin gobbled up Ukraine.

The moral of this story is that if you allow Team Kremlin to disable/incapacitate your agents with impunity, they will continue doing so. And they did.

Last time I checked, the CIA’s budget in 2022 was about $16 billion, minus disability payments to personnel zapped by unit 29155.
In other news, these clowns:
And, finally, Chornomorsk native Ihor Verys has won the 2024 Barkleys! He always knew where he was on the course and just focused on that. Nice to hear Ukraine’s revolution had something to do with it.

Setting the plate clear. Subjectivizing Ukraine (September 21, 2021)