I am saddened by what we have lost with inaction and support of what’s right (I know people may disagree). I believe in the doctrine that Ukraine should have been supported day one. I also believe that Obama did not act appropriately against Assad in Syria and that created a worse situation. Idk but I still believe in the big picture and supporting those democracies that need our help. It was a tragedy to wait soo long for our damn congress to supply money for Ukraine.

Exasperated but keeping hope!

Thanks for your writing!

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It would have a made a lot more sense for NATO and the US to maintain strategic ambiguity right from the start. Supply weapons but do not announce what they are. Russians will find out soon enough what has been supplied when the munitions hit. That way Russia never knows what is safe and what is not - supply base here? or 300 km's away? Use close air support - or relocate aircraft? Don't say a word when Putin talks about nukes but visibly move a SSBN (which they did). Russia is bluffing and Putin is full of shit. 'Advisors' like Jake Sullivan need to be booted. Decisions made from fear are bad decisions.

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