It seems Ukrainians are facing the perennial problem of truth telling during wartime. Is it treasonous to spread bad news even if it is true? If you point out the clay feet of the rulers, is that undermining the war effort? How does one have a dissenting opinion without being arrested as a traitor? America's war in Vietnam was undermined by the media. That was the last war in which America allowed unfettered access by journalists or news people to the war zone. Now media has to be embedded with the armed forces and they are controlled by the military. What is more important, victory or democratic principles? I suspect victory first, principles later.
i am prob overly critical of western media coverage, yet all the big western outlets (cnn, nyt, wapo, wsj) get the story out, even when it makes z and his six managers look bad. that's because they all have good local fixers. same for ua outlets, esp social media. it's impossible to hide what's happening on the front lines because everyone knows someone who is fighting. governance has never been z's forte, nor military planning. reuters finally published their profile of z as supreme commander in chief, touching on some of his probs it's not a pretty portrait. i agree victory, or at least survival, remains the priority. many are still upset that z & co ignored repeated warnings for months about the full-scale invasion, hoping that it would not occur. the decision to sack zaluzhny early this year as commander-in-chief, harrassment of critics, including ua media, surrounding himself with loyal hacks, etc have not boosted his popularity
We must celebrate true heroes like Brock and small victories such as Uncle Joe (being present )and Nato having a worthwhile summit with right intentions and dictates.... hopefully they follow through.
It seems Ukrainians are facing the perennial problem of truth telling during wartime. Is it treasonous to spread bad news even if it is true? If you point out the clay feet of the rulers, is that undermining the war effort? How does one have a dissenting opinion without being arrested as a traitor? America's war in Vietnam was undermined by the media. That was the last war in which America allowed unfettered access by journalists or news people to the war zone. Now media has to be embedded with the armed forces and they are controlled by the military. What is more important, victory or democratic principles? I suspect victory first, principles later.
i am prob overly critical of western media coverage, yet all the big western outlets (cnn, nyt, wapo, wsj) get the story out, even when it makes z and his six managers look bad. that's because they all have good local fixers. same for ua outlets, esp social media. it's impossible to hide what's happening on the front lines because everyone knows someone who is fighting. governance has never been z's forte, nor military planning. reuters finally published their profile of z as supreme commander in chief, touching on some of his probs it's not a pretty portrait. i agree victory, or at least survival, remains the priority. many are still upset that z & co ignored repeated warnings for months about the full-scale invasion, hoping that it would not occur. the decision to sack zaluzhny early this year as commander-in-chief, harrassment of critics, including ua media, surrounding himself with loyal hacks, etc have not boosted his popularity
We must celebrate true heroes like Brock and small victories such as Uncle Joe (being present )and Nato having a worthwhile summit with right intentions and dictates.... hopefully they follow through.