In addition to condeming violence in the United States, over the weekend, Z made this 7-minute video marking two holidays. At the end, he says Ukraine must defeat evil because Team Russia intends to erase us.
Ukraine will not succumb to the evil that sheds blood for its own sick self-assertion, that despises truth, both human and divine, and devalues everyone except itself. Russia builds its statehood precisely on this. But we are different.
He looks less puffy after his return from the United States. Didn’t mention any new ways to produce 1 GW.
Long hot slow dark blackout days in Kyiv are a great foundation for many things: producing patriotic vids, building a long aerobic base, and they offer a huge variety in metabolism, thanks to cold showers and three-hour chunks at z1 slow movement (power outages).

The foreign policy section of the America First platform does not mention Ukraine. It refers once to “alliances,” which maybe means NATO, or maybe not.
Expected speakers at the Republican Convention this week include evangelical leader Franklin Graham, Ultimate Fighting Championship President Dana White and former White House trade adviser Peter Navarro, who is currently in jail for contempt of Congress. Yuck.
A chorus of brownshirt billionaires, led by Elon, have been using their online megaphones after Saturday’s assassination attempt to endorse Donald and make unsubstantiated allegations about the attempt to rub him out.
I immediately thought of Viktor and the outcomes of his violent political acts, which were often successful in life-ending ways.

Thirty years ago, on the evening of June 16, someone tried to kill presidential candidate and deputy of the Supreme Soviet of Belarus Lukashenko near Vitebsk, reportedly. Unknown criminals shot at his car. The driver and two people's deputies of the Republic of Belarus — Ivan Titinkov and Viktor Sheiman1 — were with Lukashenko, who contacted the police the next day.
Weeks later, Lukashenko won the first and second rounds of the presidential elections, with 45% and, in the run-off, 80%. Turnout was high.
Lukashenko, who owes his political longevity to political violence, used Viktor to disappear or expel his critics after he took office.
On the American jacket, two depressing op-eds.

And this from Phillips:

Our war map looks the same.

Titinkov headed of Lukashenko’s administration from 1994 to 1999, and Sheiman was the nation’s top cop.
Trump will stop the war so the Mil industrial complex will not get billions thats a good thing
You didn't mention Teamsters president speaking at convention cause you fake news