Articles galore on Ukraine’s invasion of Kursk region, but nary a mention of the Telegram channel of the region’s governor Aleksei Smirnov (below), who is making a highly successful run at being the number one source of information for Kurskites (Куряне) asking themselves if it might be safer to relocate before enemy soldiers arrive. About as many people live in Kursk as in Miami, Florida.
The incursion into Kursk region might induce Russia to redeploy reserves from eastern Ukraine, where it has been making slow, steady progress. It looks like New York has been overrun, with Toretsk to fall next.

The New York Times ran an article about the fighting in eastern Ukraine over the weekend cherry-picking observations from disgruntled soldiers from the 24th and 41st Brigades1. In the eleventh year of the war, Ukrainian soldiers still share their opinions with foreign flaks.
Maybe this isn’t a wonderful idea.
Natasha writes about her 40-day tour of duty near Toretsk.
Turns out North Korea supplied the ballistic missiles — Iskander-M/KN-23s (Hwasong-11s)— fired from Voronezh, Russia at Kyiv on Monday night. Air alerts have just sounded and Russia might be launching more of these ballistic missiles today.
Z talked about drones in his daily video. He did not mention fall-back defensive fortifications.
Long Battle for a Ruined City Takes a Desperate Turn. Ukrainian troops are engaged in a harsh struggle for Toretsk, a strategic city in eastern Ukraine that has been under relentless assault by Russian forces (The New York Times, August 5, 2024)
The New York Times is not on your side.
hi, vaughan. looking on the bright side, very good photographers!