So happy to see Russia getting a taste of what Ukraine has been putting up with for the last (nearly) 900 days.

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Aug 9Edited

hi, vaughan. the stakes for both ukraine and russia are higher here than it might seem at first glance. the ease with which the knife of the afu entered the butter of the russian defense on a fresh section of the front could be misleadering. the kremlin understands the importance of a "response," and it will follow soon. this is where the experiment begins: we will see in practice whether team russia has something to respond with (leaving aside the topic of tactical nuclear weapons), without removing units from other strategically important areas and without carrying out urgent mobilization measures, or that's it :-)

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Interview for: (insert name here)

Sometimes we’ve been involved in a war where you couldn’t tell the difference between the guys you’re backing and the guys they’re backing but you shot the fuck out of them anyway and that Nietzschean slave mind/master mind dialectic going on in the background wasn’t helping. Did the Greatest Generation deal with that as well or was it so black and white for them they didn’t have to? I doubt it. Bear with me. I remember being amazed when I was about 7 when I realized that my father was pretty much thinking about all that I was thinking about it, or so it seemed to me, and that I had figured out all that I needed to know. Then reality. Like the war.

Translation: How do you feel about the war?

Please insert your thoughts and observations here:

Do you feel America (or anybody else) is saying to you ‘At least try to be co-operative’. Whoever thought blue and yellow would look so good an F16. (Doh!). Would you like to say anything about American policy (or anybody else’s)?

Translation : Is it ok to hate your friends?

Please insert your thoughts and observations here:

Are you all in or all out? How do you feel about commitments? Do you have commitments?

Translation : I want you to validate my feelings about you.

Please insert your thoughts and observations here:

I work with 10 people or so that come and go on different shifts and they are all oblivious to the war in Ukraine. I am quite engaged with Ukraine - my wife thinks obsessed with Ukraine but she follows Trump – makes for interesting conversations I can tell you. But I digress. How does one keep hope alive in Ukraine?

Translation: To be or not to be?

Unfortunately, this bit has been editorially removed by : (insert name here)

Please insert your thoughts and observations here:

No, this bit really has been removed. Go to bed already.

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