It’s a quiet cold Sunday morning in Kyiv. I sit down to read about Ukraine…
Five minutes later, I’m stuck in the middle of a 6,800-word Wall Street Journal recapitulation of the entire mess, titled “Vladimir Putin’s 20-Year March to War in Ukraine—and How the West Mishandled It.”
Six co-authors of the feature say CIA Director William Burns visited Kyiv in early January to warn Ze!Team about Putin’s invasion plans.
We recall that U.S. and allied non-permissive environment specialists at the time had just landed in Kyiv and were scheming with indigenous commandos at Tootsie Club to liberate possible future oppressed residents of the capital.
The typography is much better over at the New Left Review.
I always get Keith confused with Joshua. Sure enough, he is here, too. Sabrina is also back, resisting jingoism, this time with Valerie, underpants and dyversanti.
A quick check of Wikipedia’s 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine tells me the page needs a complete overhaul.
The underlined-in-red link takes you here:
Footnote 13 takes you to the BBC and rebels, the misleading label used to describe invading Russia-occupation forces by clueless journalists, including Sabrina (Ukrainian Forces Close In on Rebel-Held Luhansk, Ukraine Pushes Back as Rebels Attack in the East, Patchwork Makeup of Rebels Fighting Ukraine Makes Peace Talks Elusive, Whisked Away for Tea With a Rebel in Ukraine, For a Weekend, Ukrainian Rebels Make Love, not War, et cetera) and Keith, who also helped invent and popularize jingo-resistant rebel bullshit.