It’s time for Jamie to go home. He’s gone from citing anonymous high ranking Ukrainian military officers to asking foreign journalists in the first person plural to interrogate themselves. Always a bad sign.

Which brings me to Malcom at The Washington Post.

Last time I checked, serving two decades in the U.S. military was an invidious distinction. We all remember Malcom guzzling beer in Lviv and pointing at the sky1.
Listened to Yuriy this morning.
And watched Butusov’s interview with the former, now deceased, Uman mayor.
David, the ex-CIA director who wants the world to know about the army of spooks in Ukraine wearing sneakers, opines in The World Street Journal why it’s critical for Team USA to replicate ZSU’s achievements2.

On the Kyiv jacket, burnt peat moss.

We hope Ursula brought her gas mask.

This photo has been making the rounds. It looks like Roman, blurry, in the background, with Z trying to figure out what he’s looking at.
The president will take off to the United States in the next couple of days and re-inject Ukraine into America’s consciousness. What could go wrong?
Day 26, Phase 2. Guerra en Ucrania (April 9, 2022)
Ukraine’s Lessons for the Pentagon. To excel with new tech, the U.S. must rethink its doctrine, training, procurement and more (The Wall Street Journal, September 20, 2024)
Like Botox, Z's injections seem to cause facial twitches in some patients