Z talked about not freezing to death this winter in his morning pep talk. The president said the situation at the front is “complicated,” adding that he chatted up NATO Secretary Rutte about it. Whatever. He didn’t mention the “Fair Mobilization” (Справедлива мобілізація) campaign underway in Kyiv.
Robert Kagan, Nuland’s husband, opined in The Washington Post about what Team USA is willing and unwilling to sacrifice to prevent us being wiped off the planet1.
The nut graph:
The path of hopeless resistance vs the heroic path of realism?
The error Bob, his brother Fred and Kim at the Institute for the Study of War keep making is thinking Vova is bound by rationality. He isn’t.
While fascism itself resists rational critique, Putin employs strategic reasoning to achieve his goals, which will remain irrational no matter whom Americans elect president.
We worry more about the unremitting failure of Z and his greasy clowns to:
unify Ukrainians
motivate men to serve in the military
build fall-back defensive positions
organize domestic production of lethal weapons
Instead, wine lovers in the capital have found themselves bit players in a country-wide goon squad performance.
The above is police and members of the Territorial Center for Recruitment and Social Support last night rounding up potential draft dodgers at the chichi goodwine food mall in downtown Kyiv.
Thinking about wine? I recommend this:
It’s very very very dry.
Recall that Z ejected the commander-in-chief of Ukraine’s Armed Forces in January 2024 without giving a reason2.
Since then, AWOL reports have skyrocked.
And Russia has occupied 5.5 times more of the country.
And, finally, good news:

Are Americans ready to give up on Ukraine? All the talk about a negotiated end to the war in Ukraine? It’s designed mostly to appeal to Americans (The Washington Post, October 16, 2024)
Day 707ish (January 30, 2024)