Jehovah’s witnesses lugging their bible course kits to Golden Gate, where they will stand around smiling at people until about 18.00. Last time I checked, they work in shifts.
RIP Nina Nikolaevna, Stephanie’s violin teacher, who passed away just after turning 89. She was strict, musically, had a dry sense of humor and was a positive influence on everyone.
On the war jacket, Russia’s inexorable advance along the contact line continues.
Lloyd chatted up the boys and girls at the US embassy in Kyiv — the second largest American diplomatic outpost in Europe — met Z, announced one more military assistance package, gave a speech and then jumped back on the train to Poland.
Anne wrote a nice essay1.
The Case Against Pessimism. The West has to believe that democracy will prevail (The Atlantic, October 22, 2024)
Democracy will prevail if the West fights for it. That's why there is a worldwide onslaught on western civ, the enlightenment and Christianity. We are being brainwashed into believing western civ is evil when in reality western civ is the pinnacle of human thought, endeavour and society.